centuries, it appears a harijan woman, who reached this spot for
cutting grass, came across a divine treasure while the started
sharpening her sickle on a stone-she found to her horror the stone
bleeding profusely. She shrieked with such horror that people rushed
to the spot. They were dumbfounded at the blood. Being illiterates,
they hastened to inform this. miracle to the learned Nambudri.
the place, he inferred rightly too that there was some super natural
power permeating, and it was auspicious for the construction of
temple. Consultations and astrological readings by intellectual
spiritualists went on in quick succession. All agreed that the stone
be worshipped as MOTHER and the adjoining one as Narayana.
according to sastric injunctions went on forth with. Edathu Nambudri
was chosen by all to act as priest. Under his tantriship, the place
developed in all directions and emerged as a premier shrine for the
worship of Sakti, A trust was formed with leading Nambudris to
maintain and improve the temple. Many spiritualists served the
MOTHER with unparalleled dedication, and raised its glory to the
highest pinnacle;. The presiding deity too wielded her power through
timely advice. Here is an episode that demonstrates her passion for
rewarding the genuine selfless services and preference for devout