The Lord waited for a
chance. And the end came when the fake Brahmin entered the Srikoil
one dark midnight in the month of Kumbha to destroy the sacred
Swayambhu image. Lord Srirama assuming the Narasimha form tore the
danavadhama to pieces. The uproar created by the dying danava
awakened the people, and who on entering the Srikoil were terribly
frightened at the sight of the archamurthi. At the juncture, the famous sage Bilwamangala Swamiyar appeared on the scene and
appeased the anger of the Lord with several hymns eulogising the
glory of Vilwadrinatha and his compassion.
Before the prayers ended
the Lord appeared in snataswarupa and received veneration through
special prayers. There is a place now called Murikunnu-ox-hill
standing as a testimony of the horns and bones heaped by that
ruthless danava, which incidentally sheds light on the Lord's Omni
compassion shown to his adorers.