Soon after enshrining the Mahavishnu's image given by Lord
Siva in the temple built by him, Parasurama appointee Six Illoms
called Parasudayavars to look after the administrative activities of
the temple. With joint consultations and cooperative efforts the carried on the day to day work helping the Tantris appointed to
performing nithya naimithika pujas. Later the entire work was passed
on to Perumbadappu and Neduviruppan - Cochin and Zamoran rulers.
When feuds raised their ugly heads they referred this to the British
for verdict.
The foreign overlords bypassing the just legal rights
of Zamorins, preferred the Cochin Maharaja Saktan Thampuran. This
injustice, continued for sometime, but it did help both the adored
and adorers including priests in a mysterious way. It happened
during Tippu Sultan's military campaign of the keraladesa in 1789.
The temple would have tasted the wrath of the iconoclast, but was
spared, because he learnt at the nick of moment that is situated in
the dominion of Cochin, ruled by his best churn.