portraiture a such
a monumental contribution to the creative faculty that the whole
corpus of literature produced since then is paying glowing tributes
through prostrations; for, that Yasasvi Valmiki left nothing for any
hand to improve upon. Rama is the personification of virtue, as
virtue should be. As man, ruler, son, brother, husband, friend and
guide, he is unique of uniques. Superlatives express their inability
to cover his myriad magnetic personality, exuding excellences from
every pore of his body.
the justification of the claim that with the parting of lips to
utter 'Ra' the first syllable of that sacrosanct name, all the sins
take to flight, and by pronouncing 'Ma' the second syllable, the
lips close tightly unwilling to allow any sin entering again. Ah!
What a magic! How sacred!!