Besides this immense wealth of Nature, the temple's
spiritual wealth bids instant devotion for it is enshrining a
magnificent Hanuman image to the south of eastern gateway in the
role of kshetrapalaka, safeguarding the spiritual wealth and growth
of the temple; it is here Amalakan, the son of Kasyapa Prajapati
turned the mischievous danavas into rocks and succeeded in, making
Mahavishnu present eternally; it is here the celestial architect
Vishwakarma built a cave called Punarjanani for freeing mankind from
the vicious circle of births and deaths; it is here Panchapandavas
worshipped the brothers for attaining Sadgati, it is this temple
deemed once the richest among -Kerala temples with one lakh paras of
paddy as income from lands, it is to this deity several princes vied
with one another in performing sevas with offering; it is here
Mahavishnu taking the man-lion form - Narasimha killed an asura for
polluting the precincts with bones of animals he had eaten; it is
here Bilvamangalaswamy appeased the Lord's anger with stotras; it is
in this temple Parasuram installed the image of Mahavishnu granted
to him by Lord Siva and liberated his parents together with
appointing tantris as personnel for management of the temple besides
dwelling here for some time; it is this temple that was spared from
attack by Tippu due to its location in his friend's territory.