Though its
distant past cannot be fixed with certainty, the miracles that occurred and
circulated among the devotees can be narrated and they are many too. In the dim
past it appears, a certain cow used to stand at the exact spot where the present
image of Lord Parasurama is installed, and empty its udder - let the milk flow
down automatically. This continued for long. The cow herds were amazed and
spread the news with unusual fervour. Just at this period, one devotee was
informed by Parasurama in dream that he was abiding in that spot. The cowherd's
story lent support to the divinity of the place. Popular enthusiasm gained
momentum and religiosity took definite shape. A stone was worshipped regularly
and it went by the name of Swayambhu. The adorers found their desires fulfilled
to their satisfaction. The kshetra became glorious and the deity powerful. Later
the Muslim Princess constructed the temple with which its flag started
fluttering and bringing in large number of devotees. In the year 1779, one by
name Parachura, from Guhaswar installed the images which are being now
worshipped. Historical records bear ample evidence through sanads and
inscriptions that many peshwas endowed it lavishly. Chatrapati Sivaji visited it
and made grants for regular worship.