His life is an example of great struggle not for self advancement but
for universal good Jagatkalyana. Wherever he laid his hand, it received a Midas
touch and turned immortal like its benefactor, who is a Chiranjivi. He won
battles and conquered the whole land by his kshatric prowess, but gifted away
all to Kasyap. He built bhagavannilayas in scores of places and spiritualized the ignorant drifting into atheism. He did penance for worldly achievement and
is doing still to realising the ideal - 'Sarve samastha sukhino bhavanthu'. Aren't
these enough
to set him apart from the rest of the incarnations? Isn't he a phenomenon
unique? Did any incarnation possess such versatility? Has the posterity proved
worthy of his ideal, or grown to that stature of his of expectation? These
questions demand a probe deep and comprehension thorough.