home after obtaining the more coveted astras, he had a problem to face, but here
again his superior mettle won for him unprecedented appreciation. Jamadagni
enraged at Renuka's delay in reaching house with water pot, due to her
witnessing of the Jalakrida of King Chitrarata, ordered his four sons one after
another to
behead her. But none accepted, deeming the father's action was unjust. When
Parasurama was bidden, he did sever her head without any second thought; for, he
knew that father being earthly god should always be obeyed implicitly. Delighted
at his pithrubhakti, he asked him to name any boon. Parasuram at once asked for
the revival of his mother with taposakti. It was granted anon. So, he scored
victory over his father. His matrubhakti too was unequalled though it appears,
his pateral love weighed heavier than maternal. Wasn't he a compound of
extremes? Intensity marked everyone of his actions, and it virtually propelled
him into action - terrific or pacific.