begins - there lived a pious brahmin by name Kardam in the Kritya yoga, known
for his mastery over ancient lore. He was an ideal brahmin who lived for
learning and teaching the hoary culture. He had an ideal partner in his loving
wife called Anubhuti. They were inseparable like Uma and Maheswar. An ideal
woman as she was, she gave bliss to him by her devotion and chaste life. And a
son too. But their union did not last longer. Kardam met with
a permature death, leaving his young wife and infant boy. The grief-striken wife
decided for the Sati-the customary rite of burning on the funeral pyre. Just
before her entering the blazing fire, an aerial voice forbade the action on the
ground that she had to bring up the infant boy, as there was none to look after
him. Bowing to the voice, she bestowed undivided attention on the education of
her son; yet her thought of reaching her husband in heaven did not leave her. It
haunted, rather clung to her like the shadow. The boy blossomed into a young man
and resembled his father in all. Was not he the product of the specimen couple
with exemplary life?