The Mandirs Of   Maharastra
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Seeing the Mother, the imbecile egoistic asura entered the fray with his powerful army, presuming that a single lady could not save another lady in distress, but he failed in his estimation. The Mother too pressed into service the bhutaganas and yogins. The war went on for long since the asura taking several dreadful forms fought and destroyed almost all the ganas. The time came. Seeing him assumed the form of buffalo, she bounced upon him and caught hold of his head and delivered a death blow with her potent sword. That lusty beast in his buffalo form fell down dead like a sack of bones and flesh. The ganas hailed the Mother and celebrated her triumph. Dharma never brooks any defeat! Chastity never loses its chastity!! Will the salt lose its savor? Relieved Anubhuti then prayed to the Mother fervently to bless her and the people by taking her permanent seat in this loka at the same spot. Mother Bhavani enraptured by the exotic beauty of Yamunachala and the surrounding Nature in the prime of her beauty with colour and sound ever flowing said 'Yes'. Thus the Yamunachala, a lovely spot on the slopes of Sahyadri mountain became the earthly scat of Mother Bhavani, who through several other auspicious names like Tvarita, Tulaja, Amba, Turaja is worshipped ardently by the people of all classes seeing in her the predominance roudra in her fierce aspect, yet the most compassionate in fulfilling their desires. No soulful petition was ever turned down, nor her votaries preferred other deities once they come to her feet and take refuge in her. As her miracles went on increasing with the passage of time, her fame rose sky high and turned her in course of time the most reliable deity for progress and peace.

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About Mother Bhavani Of Tuljapur
The Matanga Episode
The Anubhuti Episode.Pg1
The Anubhuti Episode.Pg2
You are Here! The Anubhuti Episode.Pg3
The Temple
The Kollala Thirtha.Pg1
The Kollala Thirtha.Pg2
The Archamurthi
The Ghat-Shila
Pujas And Festivals.Pg1
Pujas And Festivals.Pg2
The Mother's Sleep