is one of the renowned Tristhali-Kasi, Gaya and Prayaga, the three indispensable
centres of pilgrimage for pious Hindus, and occupies a pre-eminent place among
them for reasons more than one. The first and foremost is, its importance as
the cradle of Buddhism, besides being a holy thirtha Kshetra for Hindus. Next
comes Brahma's choice once as the fittest and holiest spot on earth for
performing a sacrifice for the progress of mankind. Then follows its uniqueness
as the only place where all gods in all denominations, i.e., mukkoti devathas
are dwelling, and being worshipped by the devotees in accordance with the ardent
wish of Gaya, granted by Brahma Himself. It is the only place where Lord
Mahavishnu is adored as Ad! Gadadhara, for having used His mighty Mace for a
mightier cause at the instance of the mightiest creating power Brahma. And it is
here the river Vaitarani descended to liberate the manes, when pindas are
offered. It is the only place in our punya Bharat, where one can offer pinda to
one's own self, while alive.