is about 12 km from Gaya. Being a renowned pilgrim centre for both Hindus and
Buddhists, it is made accessible by a wide variety of transport facilities and
amongst them bus travel is cheap. It is here the Mahabodhi - the oldest and most
venerated tree in the world is found and worshipped by more than half of the
total population of the world. It has a tale spectacular to narrate about an
Indian prince, who achieved monumental results through founding of a new
religion, which is embraced by millions of billions of people throughout the
length and breadth of the world. It is from here Dharmaghosha-Ahimsa
paramodharma and Dharmam saranam gatchami rose into firmament with such
crescendo that captured the imagination of every thinking mind and entrenched
itself on the throne of every feeling heart. It is this divya vriksha that
tolled death knell to war and violence and dried up the rivers of blood to fill
them with nectar of love to flow down to the four comers of the world. It is
here simple Siddhartha became Bhagawan Buddha and established a spiritual empire
not over palm and pine; but over the mind and heart living across the seas, and
up above the skies. It is this tree whose leaves fetch a fortune every year on
Buddha Pournami day, as rumored that each leaf is sold to foreigners soon after
falling to the ground for a fabulous price of one hundred rupees.