then is the story of Dharmasila placed on the head of Gaya during that sacrifice
and how did it acquire such mighty weight and the capacity to bear all gods. It
needs elaboration now. Its story starts with Dharmavartha, the pious daughter of
Dharma, a holy sage. Desiring to be coupled with the most fittest spouse of her
liking, she did penance. It so chanced, Marichi, the son of Brahma happened
to pass that way and asked the reason of her tapas. On revelation, he offered
himself, if she had no objection. She noticed parents sealed it; and they were
wedded on an auspicious occasion. The match being ideal and all was done on
perfect mutual understanding, they had a carefree married life, but one tragic
event changed the smooth flow of bliss and turned one into stone and the other
into ashes.