- Kolappiran Ambalam
ancient Vaishnava kshetra has the unique distinction of the archamurti -
Kolappiran being installed by Bhagawan Krishna Himself. It is variously called
as Tiruvelli and Tiruvillavar. And it established certain traditions appearing
to be quite strange, but seen through the eyes of the patrons, they are
justified. Here is found the image of Chakrathalvar installed, a rarity in the
Kerala temples. Another rare tradition is - Vibhuti is given as prasad like in
Sivaalayas. And the rarest among them is the barring of women into the sanctum.
Women standing outside offer prayers to the Lord Rolappiran, and he is extremely
generous in answering their calls
and showering boons liberally. The Goddess is called Vatsalya Valli, and she is
equally dear to the bhaktas. The Moolavar in standing posture gives darsan and
the superb decoration with flowers and jewels gives a rich feast to the eyes.
And He is facing east. The temple, a typical Kerala architectural model is grand
though dimensions are of modest type. This archamurti liberated Ghantakarna and
he was blessed with the vision after austere tapas. The temple Pushkarini is
named after him - Ghantakarna thirtha. The Vimana is called Chaturangakola.
Among the Alwars, Tirumangai and Nammalvar offered Pasuramala to this Lord, eulogizing
the glory of this kshetra. Agamic puja is offered and annual festivals are
celebrated with great pomp and splendour.
lies 15 km off Chenganur, a famous temple town of Kerala, accessible by bus.