- Sri Lakshmtnarasimhaswamy Devalaya
Built by Fantirava Narasimharaja Odayar, this modest but sacrosanct Vaishnavite shrine holds great attraction for devotees
in general and Narasimhopasakas in particular. Having enjoyed the munificent royal patronage, it is adorned with sculptural
pieces of superb craftsmanship. Each image reflects the builder's supreme refined taste and commendable dedication. The
archamurti's image is a royal banquet to the visitors, who raise their hands the moment it comes into their view. Another icon
called Ambegalu Krishna is equally enchanting. The temple houses a grand image of the builder Odayar and it is also visited
with equal piety since it is his contribution that is luring the theists for emancipation.
It lies just opposite Sri Ranganatha temple of Sri Rangapattana, accessible by bus from Mysore city.