-Sri Narasimha Devalaya
Lying on the bank of river Kapila, this once famous Bhaskara Kshetra possesses a Narasimhaswamy temple with great
spiritual background. This kshetra was deemed higher than Kasi in holiness by the weight of a small grain called Guriginja.
The archamurti Narasimhaswamy displays this fact holding in his right hand a Guriginja. This temple was built and endowed
lavishly by Vijayanagara kings sand Palegars of Moogoor. It is a big temple with broad prakara and grand mahadwara
surmounting an imposing five storied tower. Its several mini-shrines and niches are installed with the charming icons of
parivaradevatas, like Andal, Mahalakshmi, Alwars, Acharyas and Dasavatara Vigrahas too. The vast Navarang mandap is
adorned with masterly suclptured images.
On account of joining three rivers - Kapila, Cauvery and Guptasara, this was aptly called Tirumakuta in the legends. The
Panchalinga devaalayas too are very famous and have hoary legends. Though enjoying the status of only a taluq head
quarters town, its legendary importance is very great. It has some other holy places such as Biksheswara devalaya,
Adisankaracharya Mutt etc.
It is at a distance of 30 Km from Mysore, accessible by four wheelers.