Abhedananda, a brother disciple of Swami Vivekananda clearly draws a distinction between the Christianity of Jesus
and the Churchianity of the fathers. He declares that whereas the Hindu has no hesitation to accept the former which is a true
religion of the heart, he can never accept the latter which is nothing but
organized dogmatism.
It is interesting to note that an almost similar distinction is drawn between Islam and
Mohammedanism by Sir Ahmed Hussain "I make a difference between Islam and
Mohammedanism. The latter is not pure Islam. It has forgotten the spirit of Islam and
remembers only the letter of the law." He continues : "Please remember that there are
many men and many minds and there are likely to be as many religions, as many conceptions of
God, as many notions of His attributes and as many ideas of the
beginning or end of things as there are thinking minds." What a catholic approach !
Just read this passage from the Quran "Sight perceives Him not, but He perceives men's sights ; for He is the knower of
secrets, the Aware" (Sura vi. 104). It appears like a perfect echo of the statement in the
Kenopanishad! (I.7) |