In fact, broad minded intellectuals like Sir Ahamed
Hussain who were devout Muslims, rebelled against such narrow bigotry and candidly declared :" (There is) one and only one
God who is Infinite and Absolute, who hath neither beginning nor end and who is not
conditioned or limited by anything whatever. Yezdan, Ishvara, Jehovah, God, Allah are the names
in different languages of the same Infinite and Absolute God."
What a beautiful echo of the Rig Vedic statement, "Truth is one,
sages call it by various names !" Islam has staged a mighty rebellion
against idolatry and worship of man. However, a glance at the place occupied by the stone of Kaaba
and the prophet Muhammad in Islam would suffice to convince anyone that what was driven out of
the front door has
come back through the back door !
It will be interesting and instructive
to quote Will Durant here : "Many of its worshippers
believe that this stone (of Kaaba) was sent down from heaven and perhaps it was a
meteorite .... Within the
Kaaba, in pre Moslems days, were several idols representing gods. One was
called Allah, and was probably the tribal god of the Quarish ;
three others were Allah's daughters .... Mohammod .... destroyed the idols
in and around the
Kaaba, but spared the Black Stone, and sanctioned the kissing of it." He
continues : Pious pagan Arabs, long before Mohammed, had trekked to the