Thus we see that the main
foundations of Christianity as propounded by the Church have been demolished ! It is significant
that Vivian Phelips warns his readers by saying : "These criticisms are, I repeat, the work not
of anti Christians, but of Christians who have devoted themselves to
Biblical research and who are among the greatest living experts in that sphere of knowledge."
The author has rendered signal service to us by providing in this
very book the grudging admissions by orthodox church leaders, of this
criticism ! J. M. Robertson's book Christianity and Mythology clearly
admits that some of the Gospel stories were borrowed from the incidents in the lives of Krishna and
Often, the god hood of Jesus is sought to be proved on the basis of
the miracles he was supposed to have performed. If Jesus is to be accepted as divine just because of
his miracles, why not accept Rasputin the rascal monk also as equally divine? In
fact these miracles are dismissed as artificial delusions of magic by Johan
Gottifried Eichhorn. |