It is an undeniable historical fact and Prof. Arnold Toynbee himself subscribes to this view that
Christianity and Islam have seldom been content to follow the practice
of live and let live and that both of them have been responsible for
some of the bitterest conflicts and the cruelest atrocities that have
disgraced history. V. O. Ogt in his Cult and Culture condemns the unbending arrogance of Muslims
and Christian missionaries in their claims of revealed authority and
laments that religion will meet with disaster unless it universalizes its
own conception of Revelation to embrace the future as well as the past (p. 70).
The Bible and its doctrines have received a very rough treatment at the hands of the Biblical scholars. Summing up the results of
such criticism, Vivan Phelips says that :
1.The creation story of the Old Testament is a myth ;
2.The concept of virgin birth of Jesus is a late interpolation and that Joseph was his real father;
3.Jesus was a man who was gradually raised to god hood ;
4.The resurrection of Jesus is a concoction and even St. Paul is silent on it ;
5.The Gospels are not credible and trustworthy narratives.