Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


So, when Nara and Naaraayana were doing tapas, Indra got nervous if he would lose his exalted position. He began to devise means to disturb their tapas by frightening them or tempting them by damsels, arousing lust, which is the enemy of tapas. These are his methods to throw obstacles in the way of those who do tapas. He sent celestial maidens to distract Nara and Naaraayana. They went first to Nara.

Though divine in essence, he was yet a man, a jeeva, albeit the highest man. So, he was not perfectly flawless. Afraid that the presence of the damsels would come in the way of his tapas, lie made -a loud grunt. Immediately, they ran away helter skelter. Fearing that the fire of Nara's tapas would burn them out of existence, they resolved not to turn in his direction. Nara became so angry.

The damsels approached Naaraayana who was the picture of tranquillity and peace. As soon as He saw them, Naaraayana smote his thigh with his hand. The Sanskrit word for thigh is ooru. When He did so, a maiden of superlative beauty came out of it. She was Oorvasi. When Indra's damsels saw her, they felt ashamed of the conceit of their own beauty. They exclaimed: "What are we before the beauty of this maiden!" and they went away abashed.

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