Aspects Of Our Religion
Major Sections


By this event the Lord taught that all the desires, beauties and joys of the external world really exist in one's own aatman, one's own inner self. These desires, beauties and joys are only infinitesimal particles of the infinite Love, Beauty and Aananda which belong to that Self and constitute its essence. There is nothing outside of the self. Whatever appears to be outside must finally become one with what is inside.

When the Lord taught this supreme Truth by thus creating Oorvasi from His thigh, the apsara maidens fell at His feet, besought His forgiveness and protection and said: "We shall not go to Indra's court after this. We have to serve him there for our livelihood." They begged Naaraayana to instruct them in the knowledge of Reality. This is the story in general outline. But the moral of this story is what is contained in the following Gita verse: II. 70:

"Aapoorva maanamachala pratishtam samudramaapah pravisanti yadvat

Tadvat kaamaa yam pravisanti na kaamakaamee."

Desire is what 'exists outside', that is, it has an external reference. It is directed to an object, which lies outside one's self. It has also an external locus. If a man believes that he can be joyful only if he gets an object, which is outside of him and directs his desires outward, he would never attain peace of mind or saanti.  

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