Impelled by
ignorance, we seek pleasureable sensations, all arising out of sense-contacts, and proceed
to do many things to obtain those pleasures. If we do not reach the pleasures we seek, or
if we get them for a time and lose them, we generate in ourselves anger, hatred and grief.
This not only causes pain but also intensifies the ignorance with which we started. The egoistic feeling of "I", the possessive feeling of
"mine", the acquisitive urge of "for me" and the passions that arise
out of these grow with accelerated intensity. We are thus thrown farther and farther away
from the reality.
Desisting from this course and positively and
definitely striving to get nearer and nearer to the truth is the path indicated for
liberation. For this, purity and humility are essential. We should cultivate and
continually confirm the conviction of mind that the Supreme Soul is within us and all
around us, and earnestly bend our minds to contemplation of the oneness of all life.