The law of
karma, the law of cause and effect in things spiritual, lays down that death does not end
the chain. Whatever activities we engage ourselves in, the body is not the agent but that
which dwells in the body, which does not die with death but takes a lodging in another
tenement. The spirit within continually shapes itself and builds its future accordingly. The new tenement is one that suits the shape the soul has worked
itself into. He body is not the person, but the persons tool. It is a fine
tool, a magic tool with which the craftsman, the soul, strangely becomes completely one
and inseparable for the time being.
The soul, too, must be looked upon as an instrument of
Iswara who resides within every soul and uses it as a craftsman uses his tool. For what
purpose? This we cannot unravel. The Hindu way of looking at it is that it is
Iswaras leela or play nose who posit a purpose may please themselves with their
conceits, but must not impose them on others. |