relationship between soul and body, as well as that between the soul and the universal
ever-existent Causeless Spirit, is a mystic relationship in which tool and craftsman aye
merged in inextricable fashion. The body and the subtle senses within it should be loyal
to their master, the soul, and serve as good and just tools. Even so, the individual should be a good and loyal instrument for the Lord who
dwells within and should dedicate every act, thought and word to Him. Acts are done
through body, speech and mind. The law of cause and effect, it cannot be too often
emphasized, is unalterable in every respect. Every act has its appointed effect, whether
the act be thought, word or dead.
The effect lies inherent in the cause, as the tree lies
potentially encased in the seed. If water is exposed to the sun, it can not avoid being
dried up. The effect automatically follows. It is the same with everything. The cause
holds the effect so to say in its womb. If we reflect deeply and objectively, not allowing
our reason to be guided by our desires-not wishfully thinking but with detachment-the
entire world in all aspects will be found to obey unalterable laws. This is the doctrine
of Vedanta described briefly as the law of karma. |