the news was such as to break the heart and kill the soul, still, Draupadi soon regained
her fortitude and, with anger blazing from her eyes, said: "O charioteer, return. Ask
of him who played the game whether in it he first lost himself, or his wife.
Ask this question in the open assembly; bring
me his answer and then you can take me." Prathikami went to the assembly -and,
turning to Yudhishthira, asked of him the question put by Draupadi.
Yudhishthira remained speechless.
Then Duryodhana bade Prathikami bring Panchali
herself there to question her husband.rathikami went again to Draupadi and humbly said:
"Princess, the mean- minded Duryodhana desires you to go to the assembly and
ask your question yourself."
Draupadi answered: "No. Return to the
assembly and put the question and demand an answer."
Prathikami did so. |