is nothing more to be said in the matter. Even the clothes they have on are now Sakuni's
property. "O Duhsasana, seize the garments of the Pandavas and the robes of Draupadi
and hand them over to Sakuni."
As soon as they heard the cruel words of Kama,
the Pandavas, feeling that they had to stand the test of dharma to the bitter end, flung
off their upper garments to show that they were ready to follow the path of honour and
right at any cost.
Seeing this, Duhsasana went to Draupadi and
made ready to seize her clothes by force. All earthly aid had failed, and in the anguish
of utter helplessness, she implored divine mercy and succour:
"O Lord of the World," she wailed,
"God whom I adore and trust, abandon me not in this dire plight. You are my sole
refuge. Protect me." And she fainted away. Then, as the wicked
Duhsasana started his shameful work of pulling
at Panchali's robes, and good men shuddered and averted their eyes, even then, in the
mercy of God a miracle occurred. |