are the cause of this great crime. Brother Sahadeva, bring fire. I am going to set fire to
those hands of his which cast the dice."
Arjuna however remonstrated gently with Bhima:
"You hive never before spoken thus. The plot devised by our enemies is entangling us
also in its meshes and inciting us to wicked action. We should not succumb and play their
game. Beware."
With a superhuman effort, Bhimacontrolled his
anger.Vikarna, the son of Dhritarashtra, could not bear the sight of the agony of
He rose up and said: "O Kshatriya heroes,
why are you silent? I am a mere youth, I know, but your silence compels me to speak.
Listen. Yudhishthira was enticed to this game bya deeply plotted invitation and he pledged
this lady when he had no right to do so, because she does not belong to Yudhishthira
For that reason alone the wager is illegal.
Besides, Yudhishthira had already lost his freedom, and being no longer a free man, how
could he have a right to offer her as a stake? And there is this further objection. |