vain Duhsasana toiled to strip off her garments, for as he pulled off each, ever fresh
garments were seen to clothe her body, and soon a great heap of resplen- dent clothes was
piled up before the assembly till Duhsasana desisted and sat down in sheer fatigue.
The assembly trembled at this marvel and good
men praised God and wept. Bhima with quivering lips, loudly uttered this terrible oath:
"May I never go to the blest abode of my ancestors if I do not rend the breast and
drink the heart's blood of this sinful Duhsasana, this shame of the Bharata race."
Suddenly, the howling of jackals could be
heard. Donkeys and carnivorous birds began to send forth-weird dissonant cries from all
sides, portending calamities to come.
Dhritarashtra who realised that this incident
would be the cause of the destruction of his race for once, acted with wisdom and courage.
He called Draupadi to his side and attempted to soothe her with words of gentleness and
affection. |