Still Arjuna
was following only Jayadratha's movements. "Satyaki who came after
an exhausting battle with the Kaurava forces has been forced to accept Bhurisravas'
challenge," said Krishna again. "It is a most unequal battle. Unless we help
him, beloved Yuyudhana will be slain."
Even as Krishna was saying this, Bhurisra- vas lifted Satyaki up and
brought him crashing t6 the ground and all the men around in the Kaurava army exclaimed:
"Yuyudhana is dead!"
Again Krishna importuned: "Satyaki is lying almost dead on the
field, the best among the Vrishni clan. One who came to help you, is being killed before
your eyes. You are looking on, doing nothing."
Bhurisravas caught hold of the prostrate Satyaki and dragged him on the
ground as a lion drags its elephant prey.
Arjuna was in a great conflict of mind. "Bhurisravas has not been
called to battle by me, nor has he challenged me to fight. How can I send my shaft at
Bhurisravas when he is engaged with another? My mind recoils from such an act, although it
is true a friend who came to help me is being slaughtered before my eyes."