Said Partha: "Bhurisravas, you are old and age seems to have affected
your judg- ment. You accuse Hrishikesa and me without cause.
How could I look on doing nothing, when, be fore my eyes, you were in
the act of killing my friend, who came and risked his life in battle on my behalf, one who
was like a right hand to me, and whom you were going to stab when he was lying helpless on
the ground?
I would have de served to go to hell if Ihad failed to intervene. You
say, I have been ruined by keeping company with Madhava. Who in the wide world would not
wish to be so ruined? You have spoken out of confused understanding.
Satyaki who was weary and exhausted when he came here and who was
inadequately armed, was challenged by you to give battle.
You overcame him. Having been defeated, he lay on the ground,
powerless. What code of honour enabled you to raise your sword to thrust it into the body
of the fallen warrior and slay him?