Just as Arjuna finished saying this to Krishna, the sky was darkened by a
cloud of arrows sent by Jayadratha. Arjuna replied with a shower of arrows, but he
constantly turned with pain to whereSatyaki was in the mortal grip of Bhurisravas.
Krishna again pressed Arjuna to consider Satyaki's condition. "O
Partha, Satyaki has lost all his weapons and he is now in Bhurisravas' power,
When Arjuna turned, he saw Bhurisravas with his foot on the prostrate
body of Satyaki and sword upraised to slay him.
Before Bhurisravas could deliver the fatal thrust, Arjuna shot an arrow
which went with the speed of lightning and the next moment the uplifted arm fell chopped
off to the ground still holding the sword. Bhurisravas, all amazed, turned and saw who had
done it.
"Son of Kunti," he exclaimed, "I had not expected this
of you! It befits not a warrior to shoot from behind in this manner. I was engaged in
combat with someone else and you have attacked me without notice.