Raama laughed and said: "This procedure of exchange cannot apply here. This
is not trade or business for barter and agreement. It is true that sometimes one discharges
the duties of another, when the latter is too weak and unable to do it. But how
does it fit on this occa6ion? Can any of you say that for life in the forest I have no
capacity but only Bharata has?"
Then the wise Vasishtha found a solution
for the problem in which righteousness struggled with righteousness as to which should be
more right. "O, Bharata, rule the kingdom under Raama's authority and as his deputy.
No blame would attach to you then and the pledge would be kept."
Raama took Bharata on his lap and told him,
"Brother, look on the kingdom as my gift to you. Accept it and rule it as our father
wished." |