"Your virtue will be for ever remembered. Are you not a son of the solar
race? As water flows downwards, the virtue of your family runs its inevitable course in
you. Your father Dasaratha is indeed happy. He is not dead but lives again immortally in
They met Guha again and crossed the Ganga
and reached Ayodhya. Bharata and his followers entered Ayodhya. The city, bereft of the
King and Raama, appeared desolate to Bharata. It seemed to be enveloped in the darkness of
a moonless night. When he returned in haste from Kekaya, he had entered the city in
fatigue and shapeless fear and suspense; but today be entered it again fully realising all
the tragedy.
He remembered the past and thought of the
present and grieved afresh. He went to the palace and took the queens to their desolate
apartments. He went to the assembly hall, and said "Great is my sorrow. But I shall
bear it. I shall stay in Nandigraama and carry out my tasks as I have promised Raama. Make
all arrangements for this purpose." |