A glory descended on Raama and Bharata at that moment at they shone like two
Bharata said: "Brother, you are my
father and my God. You least wish is my dharma, Give me your sandals. That token of yours
shall reign in Ayodhya till you return. And for fourteen years I shall stay outside the
city and discharge the King's duties in your place, paying reverent homage to your
sandals. At the end of that period, you will return and accept the kingship."
"So be it," answered Raama.
He placed his feet on the sandals and
handed them to Bharata who prostrated himself on the ground and accepted them and put them
on his head.
Bharata and his retinue turned back towards
Ayodhya. On the way, they met the sage Bharadwaaja and reported what had happened. He
blessed Bharata saying: |