The happy
father was in such poor circumstances at that time that he could only distribute a few
silver coins and musk from a pod he had with him in celebration of the event. Humayun
prayed: "May the fame of my son spread all over the country like the fragrance of
this musk." And it did. As a boy, Akbar was
never given to reading or writing. He only listened to the poems of Sufi poets like Hafiz
and Jalaluddin Rumi sung by others which he committed to heart. He, however,
mastered the military arts. To the end of his life he had not learned the art of reading
or writing, but at the same time was very knowledgeable.
When Akbar was in his teens, Humayun succeeded in
over throwing the ruler at Delhi with the help of his commander Bairamkhan and
re-established his rule at Delhi. |