Volume - IX |
Culture Course |
The Gupta
monarchs were not only able administrators, but successful generals too. One of them
Samudragupta extended his territory as far as Madras in the south and he is rightly
called the Napoleon of India. His son Chandragupta, identified with the legendary
Vikaramaditya, pushed this empire beyond the Sindhu river in the north. Skandagupta, who
came later, kept the fierce Huns who invaded from the North at bay all his time. The Gupta emperors were well-versed both in the art of war and the
art of peace. They established an efficient system of administration which became
the model for succeeding ages. If the testimony of impartial foreign visitors at the time
is to be believed, the Guptas had ensured peace and prosperity to the people in a
way not heard of since. |
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