Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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Ahmadiyas are
accused by orthodox Muslims as being unorthodox for regarding their founder as a prophet
on par with Mohammed, which is considered heresy for orthodox Muslims who, though they
recognize a variety of prophets to have existed before Mohammed, regard Mohammed as the
last prophet and do not accept that any more prophets can come after him. Ahmadiyas deny
this attribution, also honor Mohammed and Koran, and follow the Sharia or traditional
Islamic law. But Ahmadiyas do recognize their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (1835-1908),as
the Messiah whom all Muslims are looking for (who therefore cannot be regarded as prophet
to compete with Mohammed).
The destruction of the Ahmadiya mosque reveals the fact of religious oppression in
Pakistan. While the oppression of non-Muslilms, particularly Hindus and Christians, is a
normal principle in Islam-especially the destruction of Hindu temples in Pakistan-this
event shows that even unorthodox Muslims are not tolerated. |
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