Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The
Modern World |
Books By David Frawley |
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The Western
monotheistic concept of God is not the same as the Brahman or the Impersonal Absolute of
Hindu though or the Atman or Supreme Self. It is akin to the Hindu concept of Ishvara or
the Cosmic Lord but not identical to it. While Hindus may accept God as a term for the
Supreme Reality (which they may not define in a Western monotheistic sense), it is very
rare that followers of Western will use such terms as Atman, Brahman or Ishvara as
equivalent to God or Allah (which they would regard as heretical).
Moreover, several religions do not recognize God or a cosmic creator at all. This includes
Buddhism which has always criticized Hinduism for postulating the existence of such an
entity. Buddhism recognizes a Spiritual Reality or One Mind, but this is quite removed
from the Biblical or Koranic God who creates the world out of nothing, as in the case of
one Buddhist thinker recently who called the Biblical God "a primitive idea". |
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