Bharata |
By David Frawley |
problem is that modern Hindus have ceased thinking, often under the
guise of tolerance or in imitation of Western thinkers, as well as
from a superficial adulation of their own great saints and sages.
This trend must be reversed for any real progress to be made. For a
true Hindu renaissance such figures as Aurobindo are needed. This is
not to say that all Hindus should become followers of Sri Aurobindo
or practice his particular Yoga. It is Sri Aurobindo as a type, as a
role model that is important.
Reviving Hinduism in the true sense of Sanatana
Dharma is a great work that requires many individuals and a diverse
and many-sided approach that cannot be reduced to any personality,
however great. Sri Aurobindo projected such a spiritual renaissance
for India. Let us hope that others take up this work in whatever way
the Divine inspires them. Aurobindo sought to restore the power or
Shakti of Mother India, Bhavani Bharati. May that power come again
and inspire all people!
Mother India reflects a vision not only of truth
but of beauty, not only of the summits of the Absolute but of the
breadth of a wonderful creation. This is the Vedic vision at the
base with the Vedantic vision at the pinnacle. It is the integration
of cosmic and Self-knowledge, of world and Self-expression as a
perfect harmony. This is the type of vision and inspiration is
required for the Hindu renaissance to really come alive today. May
the young people in particular take it up, creating the appropriate
cultural base to sustain great spiritual heights! |
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