Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Without that pursuit of spiritual liberation, the pursuit of economic freedom must result in some partiality, corruption or exploitation because the outer is inherently limited. Economic happiness for all is a myth because the proliferation of external desires only causes more want and hence more misery.

Nor is the present global problem simply a clash between East and West or ancient and modern values. The East has its materialism and it can become more materialistic than the West in time because Orientals are more dedicated in whatever they do. The real question is of the dominant values behind civilization. In this regard European culture lacks the maturity and spirituality to show the way to a real compassionate world order. Unfortunately more mature Asian civilizations have been so decimated by colonialism that they have lost confidence in their own deeper traditions which could save them. Instead they flounder, often becoming worse than their oppressors, following an even more blatant corruption, materialism and violence. In this regard the West today often looks more moral and spiritual than what is happening in many governments and economies in Asia.

Humanity stands at a time of crisis and the present worldwide economic boom may not be a sign of a happy new age but of an impending collapse. While this may not occur over night, the signs of its eventuality over the next few decades can clearly be seen, unless the course is changed quickly. We are entering a new century of continuing environmental decay and the minds of people are eroding in front of an ever more vulgar mass media. Unless we are prepared to radically alter our ways and work hard to correct the negative forces we have set in motion, we are creating only sorrow for the future of our planet for many generations to come. We must learn to give up all forms of exploitation and strive to heal not only ourselves and our nations, but also our entire planet and all of its creatures.

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About The New Masks Of Colonialism
The Colonial Era Pg1
The Colonial Era Pg2
The Colonial Era Pg3
 The Hidden...Pg1
The Hidden...Pg2
The Hidden...Pg3
The Hidden...Pg4
The New Econnomic..Pg1
The New Economic..Pg2
The New Intellectual..Pg1
The New Intellectual..Pg2
The New Intellectual..Pg3
The Academic..Pg1
The Academic..Pg2
The Academic..Pg3
Missionary Colonialism..Pg1
Missionary Colonialism..Pg2
Military Colonialism
The        Danger ...Pg1
The Danger...Pg2