Non-violence does not mean being unwilling to uphold the truth in
order not to offend anyone. It means questioning violence in all its
forms, even if that done in the name of God. Modern Hindus are
generally unwilling to challenge evil, including the limitations of
modern commercial sensate culture, or the backward, exclusivist, and
often anti-Hindu views of various religious groups. Rather, they
accept these things out of a passive attitude that masks itself as
non-violence or tolerance.
There is much destruction going on in the world of land, plants,
animals, people, and cultures. Yet Hindus have kept silent on these
issues though Hindu Dharma teaches the unity of life, the sacred
nature of the Earth, the protection of animals, and the
inviolability of the law of karma. Such passivity is not true
tolerance but a sanctioning of the forces of destruction. The moral
force of Hindu spiritual principles is necessary for humanity to