Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
The Problem of Appeasement

If we respond to the violence or bigotry of others by appeasing them - by giving in to their demands or granting them special favors in order to keep them from becoming violent - such a practice is not truly non-violence, even though it may appear to avoid violence. 

It is violence against oneself and against truth, and in the long run only aggravates violence in others who learn that the threat of violence gets them what they want.  Whatever we appease, we give power to. Appeasing violent people to end their violence only succeeds in making them more violent in the long run. It teaches them that violence or the threat of violence  makes other people cater to them, which naturally encourages them to adapt it as a way of action. 

Appeasing violence in others under the pretext of non-violence is really practicing violence in disguise. It is not avoiding violence but reinforcing it, postponing perhaps its immediate effect but strengthening its eventual consequences. 

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About The Two Wings Of Dharma
The Question....Pg1
The Question....Pg2
The Question....Pg3
The Question....Pg4
The Meaning of Ahimsa Pg1
The Meaning of Ahimsa Pg2
The Problem....Pg1
The Problem....Pg2
The Problem...Pg3
The Problem...Pg4
The Problem...Pg5
The Problem...Pg6
The Conscience...Pg1
The Conscience...Pg2
The Conscience...Pg3