Rama Tirtha, a great Self-realized sage of the earlier part of this
century, once said in a meeting with the Muslims of Lucknow:
"The policy of appeasement is never successful. It increases
the demands of the bully and encourages his unreasonableness. He
will never listen to you. On the contrary, he will further insult
you, by heaping imaginary allegations on you and finding baseless
aberrations in you, because he is too proud of his transitory
wealth, status, power, position, or authority."
To appease a bully, tyrant, or fanatic only makes him more
arrogant and violent. It gives him the sense that his violent
attitude has been victorious and provides him with the incentive to
push his advantage further. Yet to appease anyone to make them quiet
- like giving candy to children to silence their crying - also only
spoils them and makes them expect further special treatment to
reward their upsets.