This fundamentalist
reaction does have a justifiable cause. Western popular culture with
its lack of spiritual values is limited and can lead to a spiritual
and moral wasteland. The criticism of immorality against it leveled
by the fundamentalists is, to a great extent, correct, even when
their dogmatic and violent reactions are wrong. We do need to
reconsider our relationship with the Divine, which we have sadly
ignored. But the correct force to counter modern materialism is a
new spirituality, not a retreat into old religious prejudices.
Religious fundamentalism
only succeeds in making people backward and isolated from the
progressive movement of evolution and communication, which renders
their cultures regressive and sterile. It only serves to make
materialism look more humane by countering it with a force of
superstition. One can foresee the
collapse of religious fundamentalism all over the world in the
coming decades, perhaps sooner than we think, just as communism has
quickly and unexpectedly recently collapsed. It will not be long
before fundamentalist regimes will fall either internally owing to
the oppression they bring on their own people, or externally for the
warlike actions they bring on the world as a whole.
We must soon pass out of
this duality of dogmatic religion (which itself is a form of
materialism or belief in institutions) or scientific materialism
(which is invested with a religious aura of truth and universality).
One can foresee a future age of world peace and harmony wherein what
is valuable in each religion is honored, and serious individuals
will seek Self-realization through meditational paths beyond the
bounds of organized beliefs.