We may think that it is
best not to examine religion, which is after all a matter of faith.
Let each person follow whatever faith he or she prefers, we may
think. However in the modern world we must strive to understand all
people and all cultures. To compartmentalize religion into various
faiths, each which leaves the others alone, would be like saying let
each country speak its own language, and we will speak our own, but
let us not try to learn the language of others or strive to develop
any global language.
It is like accepting the
boundaries that exist between nations as real boundaries and staying
within our own particular frontiers. This superficial sense of
tolerance is a contraction of fear and insecurity. As human beings
all religions and all cultures belong to each one of us and we
should be free to examine each for whatever value it may have, just
as all of science should be there for us to examine without any
Religion, properly
speaking, concerns the ultimate questions of life and death. To
approach it we must question deeply, including questioning religion
and, above all, questioning ourselves. We must ask: What it is that
we are really seeking through religion? Are we really seeking the
Truth or to know God? Or is religion merely something to believe in
and then stop searching?