Is religion something to
belong to, a new identity, to be part a group of people who like us
and make us feel good about ourselves? Is religion a social movement
to take over the world and convert it to a belief that is meant to
arouse our missionary zeal? Is religion the certainty that we will
have ultimate salvation or happiness, and that those we don't like
will be punished by God? These are emotional and vital urges which,
however comforting, have little to do with the search for Truth,
which being universal cannot cater to human partialities.
Such urges cause us to
distort Reality according to our personal and collective desires.
They are not part of a genuine seeking of Truth or God, but a
further development of our egoistic urges, which have no real place
in the spiritual realm. Religion should be the human search, within
our own being, for the Truth of this wonderful universe in which we
live, its indwelling Spirit. Otherwise we should probably call it
something else.
And what is religion
meant to provide us? Is it merely a safe haven, a supportive
community, or secure ideology? Is it a book that makes it so we
don't have to think for ourselves any more? Is it a hero figure who
substitutes for our own inner growth and self-responsibility, who
saves us by merely believing in him? Is what we are looking through
religion merely human or is it a transcendence of all social
conditioning, including culturally conditioned ideas of God? Can our
religions as we have formulated them lead us beyond death, hatred
and suffering? Can they bring the peace and love that we all long
for? Are they based upon a respect for all beings and an openness to
Truth from wherever it may come? If not, is it not truly religious
to look beyond our given religions?