In the seeking for a new
spirituality we must remember that there are spiritual traditions
that have survived to the present day, which though tainted or
regressive in outer aspects, can provide the foundation for a new
spirituality. The spiritual traditions of East Asia, particularly of
India and Tibet, show the way to a global spirituality. They have
never formulated themselves as exclusive belief systems, but have
remained open as universal meditation paths.
They have preserved
living traditions of spiritual realization, the millennial heritage
of humanity, with great living spiritual masters. Such teachers are
necessary for all of us to learn from to develop an authentic
experiential spirituality, rather than just some speculative or
imaginary creation of our own thoughts and opinions. As Western
science moves to the East, Eastern spirituality and its science of
Yoga is coming to the West. This can serve to link up the two sides
of human knowledge for the coming age.
The Western world has
prided itself in modernity and rationality. After all it invented
these things. Yet if we look at Western culture it is obvious that
it has been guilty of various forms of prejudice and narrow
mindedness, a Eurocentricism in religion, art and culture. We have
been forced to recognize the inhumanity committed in the colonial
era, which led to slavery and genocide, and still is producing
economic exploitation. We must come to recognize the cultural
imperialism which has gone along with it that has portrayed
non-European cultures in a negative light, particularly their
spiritual traditions, and has reduced their histories to mere
footnotes to events in Europe.