Belief is no
substitute for knowledge and by itself it cannot destroy our
ignorance. The process of belief building is the very essence of the
ignorance of the mind which asserts its mental and emotional
patterns as truth. Any number of
beliefs are possible because all beliefs are speculative, with no
certainty for any of them. One religion has its set of beliefs,
which are said to be the absolute truth.
Another religion has
a different set of beliefs claimed to be equally true. One proclaims
that God is only this and another proclaims that God is only
something else. One makes a particular representative of God final,
the other does so with another figure who may have a different
teaching. The process of belief building leads to division within
As belief is not
knowledge but emotional assertion, belief leads us to the
battlefield to determine not which belief is true but which will
dominate the world (which is the real goal of belief). It leads us
away from spiritual experience which it opposes, because any real
spiritual experience will cause us to question all beliefs.