Sadhu on the Hill
One day during one of my several trips to the
ashram I decided to climb the great hill of Arunachala. It is a
moderate hike of about two hours. That particular day was a little
cloudy so the heat was not unbearable. After I reached the top of
the hill I stopped to meditate for a few minutes. There one finds
the remains of the fires, the bricks and pottery, which are burned
yearly on the full moon of the month of Karttika, which is sacred to
Lord Skanda.
While sitting by these I suddenly saw an old
figure dressed in orange taking very wide strides and coming up the
hill. He stopped in a few places and picked a few berries from the
sparse vegetation. Then he came to within about fifty feet and
looked at me, giving the siddha gesture with his hand. At that
instant the whole of space opened up behind me. I could feel the
infinite void extending in all directions and my entire life felt
like a bubble within it. It was like a moment out of time. Then he
continued with his wide strides and went to the other side of the
hill and disappeared.
I am not certain who the sadhu was. He did not
look like Ramana but more like a old wandering Swami. Ramana said
that Siddhas dwelled on the hill. I could say from my experience
that this was the case. India still has such mysterious figures that
one can contact, sense or intuit at times. That is part of the
blessing of visiting the land.